

hayy.. my name is KARTIKA SARI, just call me tyka ! i'm a 20 years old, i life with my father and my sister in jakarta. i totally love fashion.
I was in college in one of the famous universities in my country, and I majored in law.. I always feel grateful for what god gave to me, even though God had taken my mother two years ago.. With gratitude and positive thinking, it will make every woman look beautiful and fascinating.. It is my belief that always apply in my personal life.. =)

This blog describes about my love of the fashion, I wanted to be a fashion stylist. well even though it had nothing to do with the subject that I take now, but I'm sure if anyone has other talents besides talent that he already had before.. =)
I have the style is still below the average of the other fashionista. they have the perfect style and very cool. but on this blog I just wanted to share and also learn more about the world of fashion! I hope this blog does not disturb you, darling !!! xp thank you =D

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